Friday, April 1, 2011

A "normal" week goes by

Life is settling down, finally.  This will mark our second "off" weekend in a row, where we have no major plans or work trips for Kirsty.   So is life actually getting boring?  Not quite. 
A quick recap, last Saturday was Mika's first Saturday morning soccer practice, which allowed Mom and Dad some time for a hike together on nearby Mt Majura.  On Sunday, we visited the Glassworks factory and saw a demonstration, then hit the art and food market next door.  Mika had a great time sampling everything - chocolates, nuts, fruits, cheese, you name it.  Then wandered through the art and craft area where she bought a book on Useless Japanese Inventions (turns out there are quite a few of these out there), and then another book that had won an award last year for best historical fiction for youth. We also met the author who signed the book for her (Ok, that was a little more of a thrill for me, but one day she'll appreciate it.  Right?).  We capped off the afternoon with a picnic lunch on the lake with a variety of foods we bought at the market. 
The rest of the week went relatively smoothly, though I read a slightly disturbing headline on page 3 of the Canberra Times on Wednesday:  "High rodent numbers ready to march into our warm homes".  Apparently the unusually wet summer has led to a surge in the local population of "rodents", and experts are warning that with the first frosts expected in the next few months these buggers will try to get into homes.  Ok, fine.  Except something was gnawing at me (no pun intended), and I couldn't place it until it struck me this morning (again, no pun intended).  A few nights ago we were sitting in the living room with some music on and Kirsty asked me if I heard something.  I didn't, so I turned the music off.  Still nothing.  So I go and open the front door  Thats when I heard it, whatever "it" was.  Extremely bizarre, low guttural call.  Kirsty seemed to think it was a possum, and I was in no position to argue, but it just sounded…. bigger.  Finally, today, I put the two together and realized what I heard - R.O.U.S.  For those of you who have not seen the Princess Bride, well, go watch it.  For everyone else, wish us luck!


  1. Now I just want to watch Princess Bride for the 200th time:) Good luck!!!

  2. Nothing a little ROUS ROAST wouldnt cure. mmmmm

    BTW, coming to a neighborhood near you soon:

    Skip to 1:03 for the good stuff. Streaky Bay, a mere 22 hours from you!
